Friday, February 17, 2012


Pops always told me, "You only get out of life, what you put into it."  I never understood the meaning of this, but I feel as if now I can explain it, so here I go. If you want something physically, socially, financially, mentally etc. you have to strive for it.  There is no half way, no 50%, hell there's not even a 75%, if it’s truly important to you 110% has to go into it.  We find ourselves making excuses for why things are the way they are, why we haven't gotten something yet, why we see others doing things we want to do and I know, personally I've been guilty of entitlement syndrome and instead of going out and getting I've watched others do and wondered, why not me! Honestly, you’re only entitled to two things, the ability to live and the ability to create your own destiny. If you want something you have to put in the effort to achieve, if you want change you have to get out of your comfort zone and seek such.  Put your all into this thing we call life, you only get one, and regrets are for losers. Enjoy life and reach your personal level of success, you define you.  I'll leave you with this don't wonder why, go get! 

Currently Jamming:  John Mayer-Daughters 

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