Monday, August 29, 2011

No Days Off

"No Days Off" is the anthem. This quote, the motto of one of my favorite rappers, the poet, Wale Folarin otherwise known as Wale, Wale Ovechkin etc. is one that I'm learning to live by. When living a life filled with ambition you can't afford to take any days off. You can relax your mind and rest your body, but everyday must be one of production. Even if there's little to do one should focus on finding a way to better themselves. Life is a process, in which every day we are given a chance to better ourselves and take a step in the direction of our goals. We must understand that our ambition is driven by dreams and in order to turn these dreams into reality we must take advantage of everyday. Not one single day can be wasted. This world is competitive and if you’re not going to choose to grind and take the necessary steps you need to take to achieve your goal somebody else will. This saying I'm about to use is rather cliché but very true, "Every day is a gift and that’s why it’s called the present." So while we are allowed to live in the present and receive the gift of life lets choose to make everyday a day in which we grow and stimulate not only our minds but our bodies. The future is amongst us let’s go moonwalking on the stars.

Currently Jamming Meek Mill-Middle of Da Summer

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Through each stage of our personal journey we pick up a new piece to solve the puzzle of life. This piece no matter what it may mean helps us try and complete our personal puzzle for success. Although this puzzle may seem complex, we must understand that as long as we are living, it is impossible for us to complete our puzzle because mental growth never ends. This summer, 2 weeks ago to be exact I discovered a huge piece of my personal puzzle. Like most nights I was kicking it with my boy Hysom Z otherwise known as Freako Suave listening to music cruising, when Dom Kennedy and Currensy's Song "Hennesy Beach" came on, during Dom's verse he spit the line, "going to the pros I'm tired of playing d1.". Now to you this may be nothing more than a simple rhyme but, the way I see it this rhyme means one word, "sacrifice." In order to make the next jump in life toward our goals, we must make sacrifices and rid ourselves of habits that may weigh us down. Not only must we rid ourselves of bad habits, we must learn to work smarter. As many see it hard work is the remedy to success and this is true, but working smart is what separates the good from the great. In a society that places emphasis on being "cool" we must understand cool is not going to make you any money, because at the end of the day were not being judged on how cool we are, we're judged off our performance. In closing make the sacrifices that allow you to perform on a higher level, it may not always feel like the coolest thing to do but in the end your mind should be solely focused on obtaining your goals. Currently jamming The Weeknd-Loft Music

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What makes comfort an enemy

As human beings we are taught that being comfortable is ok.  Not saying that it's not ok but while you're young being comfortable and complacent is not the most ideal way to live.  We all have dreams that we strive for and many of us have big dreams, dreams that don't fit in a box, world changing, and lifesaving dreams. But, for many of us being comfortable is more acceptable than putting in the effort of pursuing our dreams. We live in a society where it’s ok to be average, its ok not to dare to be different, and it’s ok not to challenge things that have already been done. In my eyes that mindset is not real life we were placed on this earth for a reason and while we have the blessing of being able to live why don't we seek the most out of life.  The concept of life allows us to explore our inner greatness because everyone has a sense of greatness within them, even with our talents and our gifts all varying why don't we take the opportunity to be great at whatever we do.  Why don't we use the motto Dream Big Achieve Bigger and apply it to whatever we decide to do in our lives.  The world is ours it’s our oyster and the goal of this life is to Hustle, Hustle, Hustle, Hard.

Currently Jamming Meek Mill-Middle of the Summer, if you haven't copped or checked out Meek Mills new mixtape Dreamchasers go check it out