As human beings we are taught that being comfortable is ok. Not saying that it's not ok but while you're young being comfortable and complacent is not the most ideal way to live. We all have dreams that we strive for and many of us have big dreams, dreams that don't fit in a box, world changing, and lifesaving dreams. But, for many of us being comfortable is more acceptable than putting in the effort of pursuing our dreams. We live in a society where it’s ok to be average, its ok not to dare to be different, and it’s ok not to challenge things that have already been done. In my eyes that mindset is not real life we were placed on this earth for a reason and while we have the blessing of being able to live why don't we seek the most out of life. The concept of life allows us to explore our inner greatness because everyone has a sense of greatness within them, even with our talents and our gifts all varying why don't we take the opportunity to be great at whatever we do. Why don't we use the motto Dream Big Achieve Bigger and apply it to whatever we decide to do in our lives. The world is ours it’s our oyster and the goal of this life is to Hustle, Hustle, Hustle, Hard.
Currently Jamming Meek Mill-Middle of the Summer, if you haven't copped or checked out Meek Mills new mixtape Dreamchasers go check it out
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