Monday, December 24, 2012

My 10 Commandments

This is in no particular order but here's a list of 10 important commandments I follow.

10. Mind your business- You can't progress worrying about the next person, get money focus on you and yours.

9.  Find something to believe in- Everybody needs a set of guidelines and beliefs that guides them to where they want to be.  Find something.

8.  Believe in you- Nobody can do it but you, might as well believe you can achieve anything.

7.  Practice what you Preach- if you're going to say it, either you've done it or its about to happen backup the way you talk.

6.  Be loyal but don't be too loyal-Be loyal to those who you know would do the same for you, being down for everybody only gets you taken advantage of. Everybody is not your friend you can usually count your friends on your hands.

5.  Try things-  Routine things are boring, go out and experience life if it doesn't get you in a jail cell or dead see what its about so you can formulate your own opinion.

4.  Respect Yourself- I'm not going to respect you if you don't respect yourself.  Respect is earned not given

3.  Monogamy isn't real- Monogamy isn't real until there's a ring on somebodies finger, man go out and enjoy this one life you live. If you find something worth Monogamy then more power to you but we young outchea.

2.  Do your homework- Before you speak on something know what your talking about or leave it alone.

1.  Find your happiness- "Your life, Your happiness", can't please everybody, but you sure as hell can please yourself


As a young black man I never really understood the value of time.  Time is our best friend, yet our greatest enemy because ultimately we have no idea how much time we have left to complete our personal agenda.   When it's our turn to go, its our turn to go there's no looking back and saying holdup, I'm not ready, when its your time there's nothing you can do, everything is in the hands of whoever your higher power may be.   2012 happened to be one of the better years of my life, because in 2012 I grew the most as a person. The trials and tribulations that have marked this past year, forced me to step up and the adversity this year presented made me stronger.  Ultimately I've had a lot of time to think and reflect on what's truly important and where I want to be personally. With that being said, tomorrow "Christmas Day" marks the one year anniversary of losing one of my brothers, Shane McCullough and I can tell you first hand death puts a whole new perspective to life. My bro Shane was one of the better people I've met in my life, he felt so much pain but never let people know it.  No matter what he was going through he never let people see him sweat, and could brighten up and change the mood in a room with one of his crazy stories.  Boy did he have stories man, some of the funniest "What the hell were you thinking" type stories I've ever heard.  His passing taught me a lot about myself and a lot about what's truly important in life.  Don't waste your life looking to be something your not, stay true to yourself  that's really what's most important.  We were all created as individuals and we all strive for something greater, its up to you to decide where your purpose truly lies. Our time here is short, so every day we can breathe, talk and see is a chance to strive for more and attack our goals. It is our obligation to make what you can out of YOUR life there are no excuses, and no shortcuts. My mother always taught me excuses were the tools of the incompetent and lord knows I wasn't raised to be incompetent.  Value the time you have here on Earth make the best out of it, be yourself and make decisions that don't sacrifice your integrity or what makes you, You. Remember you weren't born to impress anybody the only person your here to impress is yourself.  Love is looking in the mirror, find love in what you see.

PS:  To my brother Shane, I love you bro, each and every day I'm here I'm going to honor the pact we made .  Even though we won't be able to physically watch each other's personal success know that I promise to fulfill my side of the bargain.  We gon make it swon and I hope your enjoying being back with your Mom, continue to watch over me I got this.

10/21/91-12/25/11 R.I.P. Shane

Currently Jamming:  Dom Kennedy-She ain't in love